25 August 2011

To Market... To Market...

Hi everyone,
Today, I have some pics from the farmers maket,
Enjoy, and tell me what do u think.

My french apron - Sold

Two french bags - sold

My Shappy Chic apron - Sold

Some of my half aprons 
Summer bags. 
I love this bag, so 
I decided to keep it for myself :)

Beautiful Cameos

My Egyptian bussiness card holder

This apron actually went to a clinet in France.

French apron - Sold

Rose and her cousion

Isn't she cute ... 
I love the colors 
Up close and personal.
I hope you enjoyed my creations, and the pics.
Lots of love ,
Samya ::)))


  1. Olá Samya,

    vim visitar voce e ver seus lindos trabalhos.

    Um grande abraço

  2. Hello Samya and what a beautiful display of your hand crafted items all are so pretty the bags and the aprons they are all so tastefully done I love you card holder,I wish I was there to admire them in person ,lovely job ,I am sure you did well ,I also love the fabrics that you use ,so beautiful.xoxo theodora

  3. Hello Samya

    Thank you for your nice comments on my blog page.

    You make beautiful bags and aprons.
    I was in america on some farmer-markets, it's great and really makes all the pretty things to look at.

    Lovely Greetings from Germany
